Blockchain, Web3, and DApps: What Are They & How Are They Connected?

| Publish date: 08/01/2023 (Last updated: September 12, 2023 08:02 AM)

Web3, blockchain, and DApps are all buzzwords that have gained popularity in recent years with the rise of decentralized technologies. Although they are related, they each have distinct characteristics and play different roles in the world of digital innovation. 

Understanding the differences between these concepts is crucial for anyone interested in the decentralized web and how it is shaping the future of technology. Let’s dive into each of these topics and explore their unique features and implications.

What is Web3?

Web3 is the next-generation internet. It’s a decentralized and open source internet that allows you to communicate without middlemen, share data with anyone you choose, and access information securely on your personal device.

Web3 was created as a response to problems with today’s centralized web–it offers users more control over their data (and makes it harder for companies like Facebook or Google to take advantage of that data) while also providing greater transparency into how websites are monetized and what kind of content they’re promoting. 

While there are no definitive answers yet about whether Web3 will replace our current web infrastructure entirely (or even if we want it too), there is no question that this new technology represents some exciting possibilities for both businesses and consumers alike.

Purpose of Web3

Web3, short for Web 3.0, is a vision for the future of the internet that aims to create a more decentralized, user-centric, and trustless online ecosystem. The purpose of Web3 is to empower individuals and enable them to have more control over their data, digital identities, and online interactions.

Web3 seeks to address the limitations of the current Web 2.0, where internet users rely heavily on centralized platforms to store their data, engage in transactions, and communicate with others. These platforms act as intermediaries and have significant control over users’ information, often leading to privacy concerns, data breaches, and censorship.

By leveraging blockchain technology and decentralized protocols, Web3 aims to eliminate the need for intermediaries and create a more transparent and secure online environment. It enables users to directly interact with each other, exchange value, and control their digital assets without relying on intermediaries or trusting third parties.

Ultimately, the purpose of Web3 is to build a more inclusive, democratic, and user-centric internet that puts individuals in control of their online experiences and fosters trust, privacy, and security.

What is Blockchain?

Blockchain is a distributed ledger technology that allows a shared database to be maintained by multiple parties. A blockchain consists of blocks and each block contains information about transactions on the network. Each block is linked to other blocks in the chain through cryptographic hashes, which means that tampering with one block would require redoing all subsequent blocks as well.

Blockchain provides security and transparency because it’s decentralized; there’s no central authority for verifying transactions or controlling access to data within a network. Theoretically, this means users don’t need third parties like banks or governments anymore since they can do everything themselves on their own computers–but whether this will actually happen remains an open question at this point.

Utilizing blockchain, trading pairs such as BTC USDT are created to facilitate the exchange of digital assets, allowing users to trade one cryptocurrency for another. 

Uses of Blockchain

Blockchain, a foundational technology of Web3, offers a wide range of uses and applications across various industries. Here are some key use cases of blockchain:

Cryptocurrencies: The most well-known application of blockchain is in the creation and management of digital currencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum. Blockchain provides a decentralized and secure platform for recording transactions and maintaining the integrity of these cryptocurrencies.

Decentralized Finance (DeFi): Blockchain enables the development of decentralized financial applications that provide traditional financial services without relying on intermediaries, such as banks. DeFi platforms facilitate activities like lending, borrowing, trading, and yield farming in a transparent and trustless manner.

Supply Chain Management: Blockchain can be used to track and record the movement of goods across the supply chain, ensuring transparency and immutability. This helps in preventing fraud, counterfeit products, and enables efficient traceability in industries like food production, luxury goods, and pharmaceuticals.

Identity Management: Blockchain can provide a secure and decentralized framework for managing digital identities. By storing identity information on the blockchain, individuals can have more control over their personal data and selectively share it with trusted parties, reducing the risk of identity theft and unauthorized access.

Voting Systems: Blockchain can enhance the transparency, security, and efficiency of voting systems. By recording votes on a blockchain, it becomes virtually impossible to tamper with the results, ensuring integrity and fairness in the electoral process.

Intellectual Property Protection: Blockchain can be utilized to verify and protect intellectual property rights, such as music, art, and patents. By timestamping and recording ownership information on the blockchain, creators can establish proof of ownership and protect their intellectual property from infringement.

What are Dapps?

Dapps are decentralized applications. They run on a decentralized peer-to-peer network, and they don’t rely on a central server. In other words, they’re not controlled by any single entity like you might see with traditional web applications or mobile apps. Instead, the data and code are stored on thousands of computers around the world (the blockchain), which makes it impossible for anyone to manipulate them without everyone else knowing about it.

Built on Dapps, Trading bots, are computer programs that are designed to automate trading strategies. Utilizing trading bot functions without the need for intermediaries, enabling more efficient and transparent trading experiences.

Function of Dapps

The core function of DApps is to provide a more secure, transparent, and decentralized platform for users to interact and transact with each other.

Here are some key functions of DApps:

Decentralization: DApps eliminate the need for central authorities and intermediaries such as banks, governments, and corporations. The control over the application is distributed across the network of participants, making it more resilient to failures and less vulnerable to censorship.

Transparency: DApps are open-source and transparent, meaning that the code is available for all users to review and audit. This enhances trust and accountability, ensuring that users can verify the integrity of the application and the results of their interactions.

Security: DApps are secured by cryptography and run on a distributed network of nodes, making them highly resistant to cyber-attacks, hacking, and data breaches.

Smart Contracts: DApps utilize smart contracts, which are self-executing digital contracts that automatically enforce the rules and conditions of a transaction. This eliminates the need for intermediaries and ensures that transactions are executed as agreed upon.

Uses of Tokens: DApps often utilize tokens as a means of exchange within the application. Tokens can represent digital assets, voting rights, or even access to specific services. This enables users to have more control over their digital assets and the ability to participate in the governance of the application.

How Are They Related?

Decentralized applications are built on top of either a blockchain or web3.

Web3 is the next-generation internet. It’s a decentralized network that runs on a blockchain and allows users to interact with each other without central authorities or third parties.

Web3 is an open-source protocol for building decentralized applications that run on a blockchain. Web3 also allows you to create your own custom tokens or cryptocurrencies (ERC20 tokens). You can use these tokens as currency within your dapps or use them as utility tokens which give users access to certain functionalities within your dapps.

Blockchain is a technology that powers Web3. It’s essentially an immutable database that records data in blocks, each of which contains information about previous transactions on the chain. These blocks are then linked together through cryptographic hashes, forming an unbroken chain (hence “blockchain”).

Dapps are applications built using smart contracts coded on top of blockchains like Ethereum or NEO–the most well-known example being CryptoKitties. Dapps are built on top of web3 APIs so they can interact with smart contracts through those APIs..


In conclusion, blockchain, Web3, and DApps are interconnected components of the vision for the future of the internet. Blockchain technology serves as the underlying technology that enables decentralized, secure, and transparent systems. 

Web3 is the ideology and framework that aims to create a more user-centric and decentralized internet, leveraging blockchain and other technologies. DApps, on the other hand, are the applications built on blockchain networks that embody the principles of Web3.

They provide users with secure, transparent, and autonomous platforms for interaction and transactions. Together, blockchain, Web3, and DApps are driving the transformation of the internet, empowering individuals, and fostering trust, privacy, and control of personal data in the online world.

Chainbits is not the source of this content. This article is provided for educational purposes only. Users should exercise caution with investing/dealing with cryptocurrencies and do thorough research prior.

Chainbits is not the source of this content. This article is provided for educational purposes only. Users should exercise caution with investing/dealing with cryptocurrencies and do thorough research prior.


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